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Nov 14, 2022

Adris Chakraborty

 Adris Chakraborty is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in marketing, business development, and strategy. Adris has extensive experience working with multinational companies and startups, where he has led various marketing and business development initiatives. He is known for his strategic thinking, innovative approach, and ability to drive growth. Adris is also passionate about mentoring and coaching young professionals, helping them develop their skills and advance in their careers. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and is skilled in marketing strategy, brand management, and market research.

Episode Highlights

  • 0:00 – Introduction: Adris Chakraborty shares his journey as an immigrant entrepreneur in New York.
  • 1:15 – Interest in User-Generated Content: Adris discusses the challenges faced by creators in monetizing and recognizing viewer engagement on content platforms.
  • 3:30 – The Like App: Adris introduces his new venture, the Like app, aiming to address the issues faced by creators based on his media and advertising experience. 
  • 5:45 – Audience Behavior and Rewarding Users: Adris emphasizes the evolving nature of content space and the need for platforms to reward users’ time investment.
  • 7:20 – Scaling Challenges: Adris highlights the challenge of scaling up the venture amidst intense competition and decreasing attention spans, emphasizing the need for financial resources and a skilled team.
  • 9:10 – Bootstrap Situation and Strategic Investors: Adris discusses the challenges of taking a venture to the next level while in a bootstrap situation and the need to find strategic investors who believe in the vision.
  • 11:00 – Personal Success Story: Adris shares his success story of transitioning from an employee to an entrepreneur, attributing his success to his partner and expressing gratitude for the opportunity.
  • 13:00 – Setbacks and Adaptability: Despite setbacks, such as a failed attempt to enter the technology space, Adris learned to be more focused and adaptable.
  • 14:30 – Conversation with Nitin: Nitin expresses appreciation for Adris’s sharing and wishes him continued success with the Like app, expressing a desire to bring Adris back to share more successes in the future.
  • 15:45 – Conclusion: Adris expresses gratitude for the invitation and looks forward to future successes with the Like app.

Show Transcript

Transcript - Full Episode

Nitin Bajaj

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the industry show. I’m your host, Nitin Bajaj, and joining me today is Adris Chakraborty. Adris, welcome on the show.

Adris Chakraborty

Thank you so much, Nitin, and thank you very much for inviting me in this show. I feel privileged and honored.

Nitin Bajaj

Pleasure is all ours. So let’s get started with who is Adris?

Adris Chakraborty

Hi. Just to introduce myself, I’m Adris Chakraborty as Nitin mentioned. I’m an entrepreneur, an immigrant, Nitin you know, I I live in New York, and I’m a parent. I have 2 children. I came to this country 20 years back, and, I actually landed up into entrepreneurship, you know, not by choice, but, by default. And, it it’s been a great journey. Initially, there was some pain and, but, you know, some way or the other, I got survived. Like, most of the entrepreneurs who have actually landed here with nothing and then made their fortune and made so great for themselves and also created contributed so much to the economy. I’m not like them, but, you know, whatever small way I could contribute, you know, try to try to, build it up like that. But, yes, you know, I feel privileged. I feel blessed. You know? The journey, initially was not, that, you know, interesting, but slowly it started getting interesting, and and I I enjoy it to the fullest extent.

Nitin Bajaj

Well, Adris, you are very humble and, I know you’ve achieved a lot despite the initial challenges you faced. So thanks for sharing that with humility. Let’s talk about as we get to know you, tell us about your new venture. What is the Like app and why are you so excited with this new venture of yours?

Adris Chakraborty

You know, my first venture was setting up an advertising business, in a very focused in a very niche, area, which is targeting multicultural, ethnic audience. And, that, I cofounded along with my wife, and that actually created the foundation for me to get into the next venture. So, basically, what we what I have been toying for some time is that based on my experience in media and advertising, you know, I have been, following, the way the distribution of content is evolving over time, and I feel convinced that user generated content platforms are going to, be you know, get more and more popular and, you know, it would be a part of, a daily habit of our media consumption habits actually for people. And that’s one of the reasons I, you know, wanted to get into that space because it was a natural continuation of, my, interest in the media business and advertising business, which I, you know, which I started, and we continued running it. And it evolved in in a very interesting way. So what I realized is that, you know, the content sharing business, these platforms, you know, day to day, they don’t create more opportunities for the creators to monetize, and they don’t don’t also recognize the time and, the viewers spend on watching those content because, be you know, you I I would say that leveraging the viewership, these platforms actually monetize for themselves. But I I feel that there is a need to and, this, the experience can be much more better if we can create an ecosystem whereby we can, bring more opportunities for creators to monetize and also be able to recognize the viewer’s time they spend while watching content. It actually can create more audience eyeballs, and it can actually drive advertising much more, much bigger way. That’s basically why I wanted to get into this space, and, I I truly believe that, this space is going to evolve, much more. And people, today or tomorrow are going to ask themselves that with so many social platforms and content sharing platforms around us, they would like to question that which place should I spend time with, and why do I spend time? You know? And, what do I get in spending time? Yes. I I keep watching good content and every platform is trying to lure me with better content, but, you know, how am I my time is getting rewarded? How my time gets recognized? And I think that that’s that’s something would definitely trigger people’s mind today or tomorrow. And and and I think that it could be a very humble, contribution from my end, you know, to be able to create that trigger and create that awareness in people’s mind. And I feel that if I’m able to create the momentum, you know, that’s basically going to make, you know, situation Adris entire industry evolve in a different way, and I would feel myself that I’ve been able to contribute to a very limited extent, and, I’ve been able to touch a

Nitin Bajaj

lot of people’s life. Again, that humility. You know, I’m I’m curious to ask you. This is something where the industry is moving towards and, you know, just like in the past, you’ve been an early mover. You’ve understood where the trends are going to be, and you’ve been able to go in and and create, something that has been able to leverage the upcoming trends. What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing as a business as you’re, you know, looking at rolling this out and getting it in the hands of more audiences and viewers, what’s the number one challenge for you?

Adris Chakraborty

It’s basically the ability to skip scale up while bootstrapping this venture. You know? You know, in order to be able to scale up this venture, we need to create a more bigger awareness. We need to reach out to people, in a in a, you know, in a mass scale. And, even even before you are reaching people in a mass scale, you should you can create your, a very micro network also. And, but given the noise around you is so much and the clutter is so much today, it is not, how startups could actually create their micro network. They could have done 15, 20 years back. You know? Today, every day, new startups are coming up. Everyday, new ideas are coming into place. The content business is, evolving rapidly every day. People’s attention span has gone down drastically. And in that kind of a clutter, for you to be able to create a bigger noise and create a reach. You you you need, a lot of, I would say financial bandwidth. Mhmm. You you need the right kind of team, right kind of people. Again, that’s possible when you have a larger financial chest to be able to figure out to whom whom you can get on board and experiment with better people. So I think that the challenge is how to take take this venture to the next level when you are in a bootstrap situation and to find somebody who would believe in what you are doing, you know, and who would be ready to back you up. That’s the biggest challenge to find. It’s basically to find a pin from the head stack.

Nitin Bajaj

True. But then what I like about this is, you know, you have you, the app has you who has done this before and who’s gone into a newer domain and found the right fit, found the right people, found the right team to grow the business and take it to multiple countries and impact multiple lives, millions of lives. So I feel pretty good about your position as far as that challenge is concerned. Yes, you need to get the right kind of strategic investors. It’s not about getting the money, it’s getting the right people on board that will help you realize the vision that you have for this. Now on the flip side of challenges come opportunities. What’s the one most exciting opportunity that you’re targeting?

Adris Chakraborty

The I I think that the most exciting opportunity is basically creating, that awareness among creators that this is a place where they can actually maximize their, you know, earnings for, showcasing their content, which is a very big thing. And if we are able to touch that, create some touch point on that front, you know, it would be basically touching many, many millions of creators’ lives. You know? Today, everyone wants to showcase. If you see the social media platforms, every, every individual want to actually showcase their creativity in some way or the form. They try to, you know, in the social platforms. And if we can create, an ecosystem where some way or the other, these creators can feel recognized, and they feel that, yes, you know, this is a place which can actually not only allow me to showcase my creation, but also, get get the creation recognized by able to monetize for me. You know, I think that’s the biggest opportunity for us because in that way, more and more people would love to join this platform, and we can become one of the major players in this space. And more, more than that, you know, when the viewers, you know, for them, when they are spending time towards the content, they would find this as a very unique opportunity, unique ecosystem to be able to spend more and more time. And I think that, the monetary opportunity and the opportunity to touch millions of creators life, you know, is going to be, you know, would open up, would unlock with this venture if it can take off.

Nitin Bajaj

So true. And, you know, as we talk about opportunities and looking forward, I want to pause here and take a look back in time and ask you to share one success story that, you’re really proud of and that may have also exceeded your own expectations.

Adris Chakraborty

You know, that was basically my transition from being an employee and coming here in a country when I had no, I didn’t know anyone. And then from there, transforming to, to an entrepreneur, is something which I feel that, has changed my, entire, I would say, destiny. And, the the fact that, today, I have been able to do that successfully, You know? I would not take the credit to myself or, you know, I would take the credit to my partner, and, I think I thank God for creating that opportunity for me to be able to execute this successfully. That’s definitely, I feel, an accomplishment because from nothing, we are able to build a business. And today, we we run a $10,000,000,000 revenue, you know, which which I feel is something very I I feel accomplished to that. But, yes, that doesn’t take away my, drive for creating my new venture. But I feel that I I was fortunate, and I I really, feel great about it.

Nitin Bajaj

Again, very humble, very down to earth. I think you should of course, your wife and your partner should get the credit, so should you. Tell us about a point in time when things did not work out as you had expected, and it became a lesson learned.

Adris Chakraborty

You know, there was a time when I started my techno I I felt that, we need to get into the technology space based on the advertising business, what we are doing. And I came up with an idea, and that’s when I dived into, the product development. Mhmm. The, you know, I would say, aspect of this business. But, it it it so happened that, you know, after 2 years of, working hard and trying to build a product, you know, I had to completely change the track and I had to I figured it out that what we did for these 2 years, it’s not going to take off, you know. So we had to change our plan. We had to completely, dismantle what we actually did, unlearn and then start again, you know, to learn. But it was a great learning for me, and, you know, I I figured out that, we need to be much more meticulous. We need to be much more, focused in terms of figuring out what how the market is moving and, basically dismantling something you have done for 2 years and again starting from scratch is a painful exercise. You know? And and that was a time in the middle of my entrepreneurship. You know? Things were going fine, and I was pretty confident that it’s going to work. And, the confidence really came to the lowest point. But, but I I didn’t want to stop myself. I I always felt motivated. I always felt that, something good is going to happen. That’s why this is I I need to learn from this. There is always a positive side for even when things don’t go in the right direction. And that really was a very low point for me.

Nitin Bajaj

I think I I wanna acknowledge 2 things here. 1, the transparency. It’s not easy to share our failures or things that don’t work out. So I really appreciate you being so transparent about it. And the other thing I really want to acknowledge is the effort that goes into doing something for a couple of years and then recognizing that it’s not working and then picking up all of our efforts and continuing to move forward in a different direction. That’s the true entrepreneurial mindset. It’s not about how many times we fall, but how many times we get up. Right? And once you have mastered that cycle, you can never fail as an entrepreneur because you keep getting up and you keep finding new ways to be successful. So really kudos to you on having that positive mindset and being able to steer the ship in the right direction time and again. This also brings us to my favorite part of the show, which we call the one line life lessons. Adrish, we would love to hear some of your life lessons. So please go ahead and share a few nuggets of wisdom with us.

Adris Chakraborty

See, what I, realized, in, in my journey is that attitude is something which can actually make or break your success. You know? Attitude is something which actually, can make and break relationships. Mhmm. In a in a in a journey, in an entrepreneurship journey, it’s very important that every small, small component actually add up to your success, which sometimes you ignore and you don’t realize. But but it actually has lot of implications. Every action you do, whether it in terms of, building relationships with your team members, in terms of taking the right decision, in terms of, managing relationships with your peers, with your vendors, with your partners. You don’t know where, the help is going to come from. So it’s very important that you have the right attitude and you actually impart a very positive attitude with everyone you try to work with. And that can actually help you so much, going forward that you won’t be able to anticipate that unless and until you actually realize that experience. So I think that, you know, doesn’t matter where you are. You know? It doesn’t take time for you to, you know, falter.

Nitin Bajaj


Adris Chakraborty

And things can go haywire without you even knowing about it. And and where it can come from, you have no idea. So that’s that’s something you learn in an entrepreneurship journey. You know? Because you need to look at each and every corner of a business Mhmm. When you are into. So it’s very important that you have the right attitude, and you should actually get people on board with the right attitude. You know, they can actually change the entire system which you are building. So I to me, it doesn’t matter how smart you are, how intelligent you are. Yes. You need to be smart. You need to be intelligent. But the first the most important thing which you need to have is the right attitude, you know. Mhmm. That you you you you should not, you should not have that issue to say no. As an entrepreneur, I don’t Mhmm. I feel that I can’t say no to anything. You know? I I have to figure out a way how I can do it. The crisis is going to come. Crisis will be on the way. I may not know what crisis might come, but I cannot just, you know, just put my hands up and say to myself that I can’t do that.

Nitin Bajaj

So true. Extremely important. Adris, thank you for sharing your story, your journey, and your life lessons with us. We really appreciate it, and we also wish you continued success with the Lyc app and we would love to bring you on and share more of your successes and your continued journey. Thank you again for being with us and thanks again for sharing those stories and lessons. Really appreciate it.

Adris Chakraborty

Deeply appreciate, Nitin. Pleasure is all mine and thank you very much for your time and for inviting me for this show again once again. Thanks.


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