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Jan 6, 2024

Trez Ibrahim

Trez Ibrahim is a renowned entrepreneur, author, and coach known for her work in life mastery and personal development. As the founder of Life Mastery Solution and TI International Training and Education, she has impacted thousands of lives worldwide. Trez’s mission is to help individuals achieve success and fulfillment in all areas of their lives, balancing career, family, and personal growth. She is also the bestselling author of “Modern Woman, Discover Your Inner Sweet, Sexy, Badass Queen,” empowering women to lead fulfilling lives. With a passion for travel, water activities, and musical theater, Trez embodies a zest for life that she instills in her coaching and training programs. Her LinkedIn profile showcases her expertise and commitment to helping others live their best lives.

Episode Highlights

  • Introduction (00:00): Trez Ibrahim, founder of Life Mastery Solution and TI International Training and Education, discusses her background as an immigrant and her mission to help people reach success.
  • Career and Impact (03:34): Trez talks about her work as a life mastery strategist, coaching and training thousands worldwide to live fulfilling lives.
  • Book Release (09:00): Trez discusses her bestselling book, “Modern Woman, Discover Your Inner Sweet, Sexy, Badass Queen,” empowering women to balance career and family.
  • Challenges and Lessons (13:50): Trez shares a lesson from a failed restaurant venture, emphasizing the importance of continuous growth and coaching.
  • Fun Activities (22:36): Trez enjoys traveling, being on the water, and watching musical theater for fun and relaxation.
  • One-Line Life Lessons (25:32): Trez shares her life lessons, including “be kind,” “be aware,” “always be growing,” “everything is figure outable,” and “dream big.”
  • Conclusion (28:56): Trez expresses her excitement for her team’s growth and impact, committed to helping clients live their best lives.

Show Transcript

Transcript - Full Episode

[Nitin Bajaj]

Welcome to the industry show. I’m your host Nitin Bajaj and joining me today is Trez Ibrahim. Trez, welcome on the show.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Thank you so much for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Pleasure is all ours. So let’s start with who is Trez.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Um, so who am I? That’s a big question. Um, you know, I’m a, I’m a child of immigrant parents. I was born in Egypt and my parents came to the United States, um, when I was really young and they came for freedom and opportunity. So I think that pretty much defines me because I was raised in a family of dreamers and people who, um, taught me to reach for the stars because there was so much opportunity here. Whereas in Egypt, there was so many limitations. So I’m an immigrant. Um, I’m a dreamer. I am a resilient, I would say because I’ve had incredible challenges over my life. And all of this has inspired me to find answers to life. How does life work? How do we get to the stars if we’re reaching for them?

And from those challenges and from that learning, I’ve been able to inspire and coach and teach and train thousands of people over my lifetime. Um, and really, really take people with me on my, on the journey and help them reach massive levels of success.


[Nitin Bajaj]

That’s awesome. And that sounds like a true entrepreneur. So curious to hear more about what do you do for a living? I mean, you kind of hinted at it a little bit, but if you can share more details and what we love to hear more about is, you know, there’s obviously the size and scale of operations, but what’s the impact a person, the team has been able to create for the community? So please.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Absolutely. So I’m the founder of Life Mastery Solution and TI International Training and Education. You know, I used to call myself a life mastery strategist because I don’t believe you could truly be happy unless you’re living at a 10 in every area of your life. So you’re in a career that gives you an opportunity to serve, that makes you jump out of bed because it’s what you love doing, that you make money to support your lifestyle. You actually have free time to enjoy your life and you have incredible relationships to share your life with and the optimal help to get through your day. So really living at a 10 in all those areas. And with TI International Training and Education, I’m able to take that and really impact thousands of people all over the world. And so I work one-on-one with clients. Obviously I’m limited in time, so I can only take a handful of clients at a time where I coach them specifically on what their goal is and what they desire and helping them to step into the possibility in their life.

So you can kind of say I’m a business and personal coach. I also do trainings. I have workshops.I have a number of online programs. I do a lot of free content where I just want everything out there that gives people hope, that gives people direction to start to dream big and to change their life. With TI International, I do have a team of coaches now so that my impact can be magnified exponentially around the world. My impact is already worldwide. I have clients all over. I’ve spoken all over. So I’m a speaker as well. I’ve done training all over the world. And we’re just here to change lives, to help people step into possibilities, to believe in possibilities, turn them into probabilities by taking the right steps and doing the right things and turn them into inevitabilities, which where they can actually create the results in their life that they desire.


[Nitin Bajaj]

I love that possibility to probability to making it invincible. And the way you are increasing that impact and magnifying it is, I believe you also have a book that’s going to get in the hands of a lot of people here soon.


[Trez Ibrahim]

I do. I do. I’m proud to say it’s a bestselling book. Can I show it? I just happened to have it here. It’s the Modern Woman, Discover Your Inner Sweet, Sexy, Badass Queen.

And I’m very proud of this because I’ve been writing this for a while. And it’s really a handbook for successful women on how to have the undo it all, because I’ll tell you most women have most successful women have failed marriages and most young women that are driven feel like they have to choose between career and family. And I teach people how to do both while feeling energized to rejuvenate and fulfilled rather than exhausted and depleted, which is how most women end their days because they’re taking on so many roles and here they can be successful and also feel in touch with their femininity. So, yeah, so that’s it bestselling. And I’ve been speaking a lot about it and on podcasts, so very proud of that.


[Nitin Bajaj]

That’s awesome. Congratulations again. And, you know, I do feel left out a little bit, like the things you mentioned, how do you be a 10 in all aspects of your life and does feel exhausting and feels very demanding and challenging. And I don’t know if because of that people say, well, I don’t want to be a 10. I’m just going to live with what I have the means to achieve because I don’t want to deal with all that stress and pressure.


[Trez Ibrahim]

So I will tell you, most people do fall into that trap because they think it’s work and effort. And, and what I teach them to do is how to do it seamlessly without. So you’re using energy versus effort, because I’ll tell you, if you have a dream and you don’t go for it, I truly believe that an unlived life is not benign. It’s in the past to sizes, and it will make you sick or depressed or things will stop working. So there are ways of, of taking care of yourself so that you create that, that dance between driving hard at work and taking care of yourself and finding time for your family. So it is, it is a skill. And that’s why, you know, my clients come to me is to learn how to, to maneuver through that versus just pushing and forcing through. I don’t believe that that’s going to, that’s going to end in burnout for men and for women.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Yes, I agree. Now, as someone who has figured out pretty much all aspects of life, I’m curious to hear what’s the one big challenge you’re facing.


[Trez Ibrahim]

You know, I, I would say I, I came into this world and even as a young child, I wanted to change the world. So I would say the big challenge I have is really making the big impact that I desire to make. I, I, I’ve worked with thousands over the years. I want to reach millions. I want to work with world leaders. I want to be connected to the thought leaders that are making the big decisions and hopefully get in their mind so that they are making the decisions ethically. And with consideration to what’s the highest good for everyone and also teaching people how to believe in themselves. So I would say my biggest challenge is, you know, I still have that big goal. I want to reach millions and we’re working on it one by one.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Yeah, we have to dream big. So now on the flip side of challenges come opportunities and I would love to hear what’s the most exciting one you’re targeting.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Oh gosh. The most exciting thing I am working on right now is I, I would say building this robust team, this international team of trainers to take what I do. And again, exponentially make that impact in the world. We’re doing youth development programs, which is really exciting. We’re working with entrepreneurs, which is another, you know, branch of this. We’re working with people who are starting businesses and scaling their businesses, working with women who successful women who want a better quality of life. So there’s so many branches and I would say building that team that robust, powerful team that can expand the impact is, is probably the most exciting opportunity I have right now. And gosh, I, I, I was going to say, I can’t even imagine what things are going to look like three years from now, but I can imagine it because that’s what I do. Just I picture it and I get excited thinking about it.


[Nitin Bajaj]

That is so cool. And I’m really excited and looking forward to some of those updates coming to life here pretty soon.


[Trez Ibrahim]



[Nitin Bajaj]

As we look forward, I want to take a moment to look back in the rear view mirror and talk about two instances in your life, in your career, one that exceeded your own expectations and became a success beyond your imagination. And the other that did not work out as you had expected and was a failure became a lesson.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, I would say the, the win for me, the big accomplishment is probably this book. I mean, we, we managed to get, I don’t even know how many pages, 250 pages, 248 pages. And it was, it was really just decades, decades of work and, and growing and rewriting and, you know, I’m different and I’m growing. So I would say getting this out into the world, seeing the impact it’s already making where women are like, oh my God, we need this. We’ve been waiting for something like this. Thank you for the answers and also hitting best-selling bestseller big accomplishments. So I’m very proud of that.

I’m very proud of that. What’s that?


[Nitin Bajaj]

I said, congratulations. You should be.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Thank you. Thank you. As far as failure, the one that comes to mind is years ago, I had this dream of, of opening up a wine bar. And it was one of those where I was teaching this work about dreaming and walking my clients through the steps on believing in yourself and then opening up to everything that is required to have this dream. And what happens in the, in this, in this program, in this, in this space that I create is things start coming to you. You know, it’s really an elegant process. So I opened up this, so I had this dream of this wine bar. I was sitting around, you know, there was a period of my time where I was going to wine bars with my girlfriends. And I just thought, I just want to create a beautiful space like this, you know, where people can come and relax and connect and, and just, just enjoy, like, I want them to sit for hours and, and enjoy great conversation. So I use the techniques I teach my clients is to, you start with the, the dreaming, building the bridge, start building towards your dream, and then, you know, creating, implementing all the steps, you know, without going into all the details. I did that for, for my wine bar, which turned into a restaurant. Everything was literally happening from nowhere. Like money was falling from the sky, the right people. I had the top chef, the top sommelier, like everything was just magically happening. And because I was so excited about this, I decided to let go of my coaches because I personally get coached. I’m a coach. I let go of my coaches. I also started to let go of my clients because I’m like, I need to focus on this restaurant. It’s kind of a big deal. Let me, let me put this career, this part of my life on hold. I let go of my clients. I stopped the mastermind groups that I was part of. I stopped all the personal development work that got me to the restaurant. And what happened is after about a few months, things started not working out so well anymore. The energy wasn’t high things, problems started coming. And, and this was all before I opened the restaurant. Well, you know, and I ran out of money.

And so I, I said, I’ve got to open it up. I opened it up. And four months later we were shut down. And it was it was, it was a very public failure because the restaurant while it was open was we had a not a lot of notoriety. It was all in all the papers. We had five star reviews.

It was destination restaurant, very successful in the short period of time. But because I stopped doing what I needed to do to create the success, meaning I stopped the I, I let all the negativity get between my ears versus before with my coaching. I stayed on that high mindset, that positive energy. And so I cried for two weeks, walked on the beach. And after that, I did some reflection and realized that the, my downfall was I stopped doing the work. And so my learning and my commitment is to never stop getting coached. I have a number of coaches that I work with that will never be without a coach. And with my own clients, my commitment is, is I want a long-term relationship with them because once they hit a 10, that becomes the new zero. And then now they’ve got to reach the next level of growth. So those are two big learnings for me. Whereas before, even with my coaching practice, I was kind of like, let me work with you for three months. I taught you everything that you need. Great. Go on and prosper. You got it, but life grows you. So you always need, if you’re still reaching for higher levels, you always need that coaching. So that was the biggest lesson. So that was the greatest lesson for me.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Well, first off, thank you for being open, candid and transparent. I know these are not happy moments to live through. I mean, walking on the beach may sound fun, but what’s going on inside of us up here, that’s a lot to process, to be able to introspect and kind of say, okay, this is, this is what I should have changed. And, but, you know, we live through these things and what doesn’t kill us, make us, makes us stronger. And now you’re able to take that, take those lessons and learning and share it with your clients. So that’s, that’s an amazing spirit to have. So thanks again for sharing that.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Thank you. Thank you.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Now I’d love to cheer things up a little bit. Tell us what do you do for fun?


[Trez Ibrahim]

Oh gosh. I love to travel. I travel the world. I used to travel every month, but I’ll be honest, it got a little bit tiring. So maybe every, every two, three months and I’ve been to incredible places. I rarely go to the same place twice. So I love traveling. I love being on the water. I’m not a layout on the beach type of girl, but I love being, you know, on boats, jet skis around water, just, you know, on the pier and watching waves. To me, that’s a very beautiful, peaceful, invigorating, and that gives me everything I need. So being by the water, being on the beach. And I would say the last thing that I loved that just fills me with so much joy and happiness is musical theater. I love musicals.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Yeah. Those are fascinating. So much color, so much music, so much emotion. And how can you not love them?


[Trez Ibrahim]

Oh, absolutely. Yes. Yes.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Perfect. Well, this brings us to my favorite part of the show. We call it the one line life lessons. I’d love for you to share a few of your life lessons with us.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Oh, gosh. Yes. So I would say number one is be kind. You know, there’s a great quote. I hope I don’t botch this up. It says, what you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me. And I truly believe that we’re all connected on some energetic, ethereal, you know, unconscious way. And so when I hurt you, I’m hurting myself. When I lift you up, I’m lifting myself.

So as much as I love to give and help, it’s really because it brings me joy. So I would say when we’re kind, we’re exuding that love to other people. We get that back. So that would be number one. Number two is be aware. You know, we talked a lot about that is that self-awareness is key. You have to be willing to reflect on your life, on your wins, on your failures, on your lessons, on your day, on your relationship, on your health, being able to have that level of awareness where you can evaluate your life and ask yourself the tough questions. And from there, you can change. You can change anything. But unless you know what’s in front of you, there’s really no room for change. So I would say be aware. Number three is always be growing. Always be growing. We’re not designed to stay stagnant. And I believe that if you’re not growing, you’re declining. And like I said earlier, an unlived life is not benign. You know, when you’re not, you know, most people tiptoe to their death. They’re trying to play it safe. And then they go there, you know, they’re on their deathbed and they ask, what is this all for? Versus just living fully and, and asking, how can I become a better version of me today than I was yesterday? That’s it. Not better than anybody else, but better today. How can I be kinder today, stronger today, smarter today? I had a conversation.

How can I be more eloquent the next conversation? So always be growing. I would say every number four is everything is figure outable and figure out everything there. I do not believe, I believe wholeheartedly that there is not a problem without a solution. If there’s a problem by definition, it’s waiting for a solution. If there’s a challenge by definition, it’s waiting for an opportunity. And so everything is figure outable. There’s nothing that’s going to, you know, going to stop you in your tracks. You may have to divert around it. You may have to figure some things out, but that’s going to grow you. So looking at that as an opportunity for growth is amazing. So everything is figure outable. And the last thing is dream and dream big. You know, I’m a big dreamer and nothing, the world doesn’t change by small dreaming, by small thinking, by stay playing safe, nothing changes. The world will not become a better world if, unless we do dream big. So that, that to me is, you know, again, reach for the stars. The worst you can do is land on the moon.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Love that Trez. Thank you so much for sharing those one-line life lessons, but also for sharing your journey and story. Congrats again on the book and for touching so many lives in a positive way, helping people realize their dreams and to live their life to the fullest. Really appreciate the work you do along with your team, ever growing, ever expanding, and would love to bring you back on and talk about more of your successes.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Yeah. Fabulous. Thank you so much. Such a pleasure again to be here and to, to chat with you. And I love your questions. Very, very insightful, making me think.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Thank you, Trez. Really appreciate it.

[Nitin Bajaj]

Welcome to the industry show. I’m your host Nitin Bajaj and joining me today is Trez Ibrahim. Trez, welcome on the show.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Thank you so much for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Pleasure is all ours. So let’s start with who is Trez.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Um, so who am I? That’s a big question. Um, you know, I’m a, I’m a child of immigrant parents. I was born in Egypt and my parents came to the United States, um, when I was really young and they came for freedom and opportunity. So I think that pretty much defines me because I was raised in a family of dreamers and people who, um, taught me to reach for the stars because there was so much opportunity here. Whereas in Egypt, there was so many limitations. So I’m an immigrant. Um, I’m a dreamer. I am a resilient, I would say because I’ve had incredible challenges over my life. And all of this has inspired me to find answers to life. How does life work? How do we get to the stars if we’re reaching for them?

And from those challenges and from that learning, I’ve been able to inspire and coach and teach and train thousands of people over my lifetime. Um, and really, really take people with me on my, on the journey and help them reach massive levels of success.


[Nitin Bajaj]

That’s awesome. And that sounds like a true entrepreneur. So curious to hear more about what do you do for a living? I mean, you kind of hinted at it a little bit, but if you can share more details and what we love to hear more about is, you know, there’s obviously the size and scale of operations, but what’s the impact a person, the team has been able to create for the community? So please.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Absolutely. So I’m the founder of Life Mastery Solution and TI International Training and Education. You know, I used to call myself a life mastery strategist because I don’t believe you could truly be happy unless you’re living at a 10 in every area of your life. So you’re in a career that gives you an opportunity to serve, that makes you jump out of bed because it’s what you love doing, that you make money to support your lifestyle. You actually have free time to enjoy your life and you have incredible relationships to share your life with and the optimal help to get through your day. So really living at a 10 in all those areas. And with TI International Training and Education, I’m able to take that and really impact thousands of people all over the world. And so I work one-on-one with clients. Obviously I’m limited in time, so I can only take a handful of clients at a time where I coach them specifically on what their goal is and what they desire and helping them to step into the possibility in their life.

So you can kind of say I’m a business and personal coach. I also do trainings. I have workshops.I have a number of online programs. I do a lot of free content where I just want everything out there that gives people hope, that gives people direction to start to dream big and to change their life. With TI International, I do have a team of coaches now so that my impact can be magnified exponentially around the world. My impact is already worldwide. I have clients all over. I’ve spoken all over. So I’m a speaker as well. I’ve done training all over the world. And we’re just here to change lives, to help people step into possibilities, to believe in possibilities, turn them into probabilities by taking the right steps and doing the right things and turn them into inevitabilities, which where they can actually create the results in their life that they desire.


[Nitin Bajaj]

I love that possibility to probability to making it invincible. And the way you are increasing that impact and magnifying it is, I believe you also have a book that’s going to get in the hands of a lot of people here soon.


[Trez Ibrahim]

I do. I do. I’m proud to say it’s a bestselling book. Can I show it? I just happened to have it here. It’s the Modern Woman, Discover Your Inner Sweet, Sexy, Badass Queen.

And I’m very proud of this because I’ve been writing this for a while. And it’s really a handbook for successful women on how to have the undo it all, because I’ll tell you most women have most successful women have failed marriages and most young women that are driven feel like they have to choose between career and family. And I teach people how to do both while feeling energized to rejuvenate and fulfilled rather than exhausted and depleted, which is how most women end their days because they’re taking on so many roles and here they can be successful and also feel in touch with their femininity. So, yeah, so that’s it bestselling. And I’ve been speaking a lot about it and on podcasts, so very proud of that.


[Nitin Bajaj]

That’s awesome. Congratulations again. And, you know, I do feel left out a little bit, like the things you mentioned, how do you be a 10 in all aspects of your life and does feel exhausting and feels very demanding and challenging. And I don’t know if because of that people say, well, I don’t want to be a 10. I’m just going to live with what I have the means to achieve because I don’t want to deal with all that stress and pressure.


[Trez Ibrahim]

So I will tell you, most people do fall into that trap because they think it’s work and effort. And, and what I teach them to do is how to do it seamlessly without. So you’re using energy versus effort, because I’ll tell you, if you have a dream and you don’t go for it, I truly believe that an unlived life is not benign. It’s in the past to sizes, and it will make you sick or depressed or things will stop working. So there are ways of, of taking care of yourself so that you create that, that dance between driving hard at work and taking care of yourself and finding time for your family. So it is, it is a skill. And that’s why, you know, my clients come to me is to learn how to, to maneuver through that versus just pushing and forcing through. I don’t believe that that’s going to, that’s going to end in burnout for men and for women.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Yes, I agree. Now, as someone who has figured out pretty much all aspects of life, I’m curious to hear what’s the one big challenge you’re facing.


[Trez Ibrahim]

You know, I, I would say I, I came into this world and even as a young child, I wanted to change the world. So I would say the big challenge I have is really making the big impact that I desire to make. I, I, I’ve worked with thousands over the years. I want to reach millions. I want to work with world leaders. I want to be connected to the thought leaders that are making the big decisions and hopefully get in their mind so that they are making the decisions ethically. And with consideration to what’s the highest good for everyone and also teaching people how to believe in themselves. So I would say my biggest challenge is, you know, I still have that big goal. I want to reach millions and we’re working on it one by one.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Yeah, we have to dream big. So now on the flip side of challenges come opportunities and I would love to hear what’s the most exciting one you’re targeting.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Oh gosh. The most exciting thing I am working on right now is I, I would say building this robust team, this international team of trainers to take what I do. And again, exponentially make that impact in the world. We’re doing youth development programs, which is really exciting. We’re working with entrepreneurs, which is another, you know, branch of this. We’re working with people who are starting businesses and scaling their businesses, working with women who successful women who want a better quality of life. So there’s so many branches and I would say building that team that robust, powerful team that can expand the impact is, is probably the most exciting opportunity I have right now. And gosh, I, I, I was going to say, I can’t even imagine what things are going to look like three years from now, but I can imagine it because that’s what I do. Just I picture it and I get excited thinking about it.


[Nitin Bajaj]

That is so cool. And I’m really excited and looking forward to some of those updates coming to life here pretty soon.


[Trez Ibrahim]



[Nitin Bajaj]

As we look forward, I want to take a moment to look back in the rear view mirror and talk about two instances in your life, in your career, one that exceeded your own expectations and became a success beyond your imagination. And the other that did not work out as you had expected and was a failure became a lesson.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, I would say the, the win for me, the big accomplishment is probably this book. I mean, we, we managed to get, I don’t even know how many pages, 250 pages, 248 pages. And it was, it was really just decades, decades of work and, and growing and rewriting and, you know, I’m different and I’m growing. So I would say getting this out into the world, seeing the impact it’s already making where women are like, oh my God, we need this. We’ve been waiting for something like this. Thank you for the answers and also hitting best-selling bestseller big accomplishments. So I’m very proud of that.

I’m very proud of that. What’s that?


[Nitin Bajaj]

I said, congratulations. You should be.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Thank you. Thank you. As far as failure, the one that comes to mind is years ago, I had this dream of, of opening up a wine bar. And it was one of those where I was teaching this work about dreaming and walking my clients through the steps on believing in yourself and then opening up to everything that is required to have this dream. And what happens in the, in this, in this program, in this, in this space that I create is things start coming to you. You know, it’s really an elegant process. So I opened up this, so I had this dream of this wine bar. I was sitting around, you know, there was a period of my time where I was going to wine bars with my girlfriends. And I just thought, I just want to create a beautiful space like this, you know, where people can come and relax and connect and, and just, just enjoy, like, I want them to sit for hours and, and enjoy great conversation. So I use the techniques I teach my clients is to, you start with the, the dreaming, building the bridge, start building towards your dream, and then, you know, creating, implementing all the steps, you know, without going into all the details. I did that for, for my wine bar, which turned into a restaurant. Everything was literally happening from nowhere. Like money was falling from the sky, the right people. I had the top chef, the top sommelier, like everything was just magically happening. And because I was so excited about this, I decided to let go of my coaches because I personally get coached. I’m a coach. I let go of my coaches. I also started to let go of my clients because I’m like, I need to focus on this restaurant. It’s kind of a big deal. Let me, let me put this career, this part of my life on hold. I let go of my clients. I stopped the mastermind groups that I was part of. I stopped all the personal development work that got me to the restaurant. And what happened is after about a few months, things started not working out so well anymore. The energy wasn’t high things, problems started coming. And, and this was all before I opened the restaurant. Well, you know, and I ran out of money.

And so I, I said, I’ve got to open it up. I opened it up. And four months later we were shut down. And it was it was, it was a very public failure because the restaurant while it was open was we had a not a lot of notoriety. It was all in all the papers. We had five star reviews.

It was destination restaurant, very successful in the short period of time. But because I stopped doing what I needed to do to create the success, meaning I stopped the I, I let all the negativity get between my ears versus before with my coaching. I stayed on that high mindset, that positive energy. And so I cried for two weeks, walked on the beach. And after that, I did some reflection and realized that the, my downfall was I stopped doing the work. And so my learning and my commitment is to never stop getting coached. I have a number of coaches that I work with that will never be without a coach. And with my own clients, my commitment is, is I want a long-term relationship with them because once they hit a 10, that becomes the new zero. And then now they’ve got to reach the next level of growth. So those are two big learnings for me. Whereas before, even with my coaching practice, I was kind of like, let me work with you for three months. I taught you everything that you need. Great. Go on and prosper. You got it, but life grows you. So you always need, if you’re still reaching for higher levels, you always need that coaching. So that was the biggest lesson. So that was the greatest lesson for me.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Well, first off, thank you for being open, candid and transparent. I know these are not happy moments to live through. I mean, walking on the beach may sound fun, but what’s going on inside of us up here, that’s a lot to process, to be able to introspect and kind of say, okay, this is, this is what I should have changed. And, but, you know, we live through these things and what doesn’t kill us, make us, makes us stronger. And now you’re able to take that, take those lessons and learning and share it with your clients. So that’s, that’s an amazing spirit to have. So thanks again for sharing that.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Thank you. Thank you.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Now I’d love to cheer things up a little bit. Tell us what do you do for fun?


[Trez Ibrahim]

Oh gosh. I love to travel. I travel the world. I used to travel every month, but I’ll be honest, it got a little bit tiring. So maybe every, every two, three months and I’ve been to incredible places. I rarely go to the same place twice. So I love traveling. I love being on the water. I’m not a layout on the beach type of girl, but I love being, you know, on boats, jet skis around water, just, you know, on the pier and watching waves. To me, that’s a very beautiful, peaceful, invigorating, and that gives me everything I need. So being by the water, being on the beach. And I would say the last thing that I loved that just fills me with so much joy and happiness is musical theater. I love musicals.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Yeah. Those are fascinating. So much color, so much music, so much emotion. And how can you not love them?


[Trez Ibrahim]

Oh, absolutely. Yes. Yes.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Perfect. Well, this brings us to my favorite part of the show. We call it the one line life lessons. I’d love for you to share a few of your life lessons with us.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Oh, gosh. Yes. So I would say number one is be kind. You know, there’s a great quote. I hope I don’t botch this up. It says, what you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me. And I truly believe that we’re all connected on some energetic, ethereal, you know, unconscious way. And so when I hurt you, I’m hurting myself. When I lift you up, I’m lifting myself.

So as much as I love to give and help, it’s really because it brings me joy. So I would say when we’re kind, we’re exuding that love to other people. We get that back. So that would be number one. Number two is be aware. You know, we talked a lot about that is that self-awareness is key. You have to be willing to reflect on your life, on your wins, on your failures, on your lessons, on your day, on your relationship, on your health, being able to have that level of awareness where you can evaluate your life and ask yourself the tough questions. And from there, you can change. You can change anything. But unless you know what’s in front of you, there’s really no room for change. So I would say be aware. Number three is always be growing. Always be growing. We’re not designed to stay stagnant. And I believe that if you’re not growing, you’re declining. And like I said earlier, an unlived life is not benign. You know, when you’re not, you know, most people tiptoe to their death. They’re trying to play it safe. And then they go there, you know, they’re on their deathbed and they ask, what is this all for? Versus just living fully and, and asking, how can I become a better version of me today than I was yesterday? That’s it. Not better than anybody else, but better today. How can I be kinder today, stronger today, smarter today? I had a conversation.

How can I be more eloquent the next conversation? So always be growing. I would say every number four is everything is figure outable and figure out everything there. I do not believe, I believe wholeheartedly that there is not a problem without a solution. If there’s a problem by definition, it’s waiting for a solution. If there’s a challenge by definition, it’s waiting for an opportunity. And so everything is figure outable. There’s nothing that’s going to, you know, going to stop you in your tracks. You may have to divert around it. You may have to figure some things out, but that’s going to grow you. So looking at that as an opportunity for growth is amazing. So everything is figure outable. And the last thing is dream and dream big. You know, I’m a big dreamer and nothing, the world doesn’t change by small dreaming, by small thinking, by stay playing safe, nothing changes. The world will not become a better world if, unless we do dream big. So that, that to me is, you know, again, reach for the stars. The worst you can do is land on the moon.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Love that Trez. Thank you so much for sharing those one-line life lessons, but also for sharing your journey and story. Congrats again on the book and for touching so many lives in a positive way, helping people realize their dreams and to live their life to the fullest. Really appreciate the work you do along with your team, ever growing, ever expanding, and would love to bring you back on and talk about more of your successes.


[Trez Ibrahim]

Yeah. Fabulous. Thank you so much. Such a pleasure again to be here and to, to chat with you. And I love your questions. Very, very insightful, making me think.


[Nitin Bajaj]

Thank you, Trez. Really appreciate it.


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