Jul 16, 2023
Ajay Prasad
Ajay Prasad is a highly accomplished entrepreneur and business leader with a strong background in digital marketing, e-commerce, and technology. He is the Founder and CEO of GMR Web Team, a full-service digital marketing agency based in California. Ajay is known for his strategic vision and innovative approach to marketing, helping businesses of all sizes grow their online presence and achieve their goals. He is also a sought-after speaker and writer, sharing his insights and expertise on digital marketing and entrepreneurship. Ajay’s dedication to excellence and commitment to delivering results have made him a respected figure in the industry.
One Line Life Lessons from Ajay

Episode Highlights
- 0:00 – Introduction to the speaker’s business journey, from a front desk person to company president.
- 1:15 – Company growth statistics: 300 transcribers nationwide, serving 13,000 customers, and processing 9,000,000 minutes of transcription.
- 3:30 – Importance of creating mutually beneficial deals and nurturing positive relationships.
- 5:00 – Emphasizing the significance of maintaining faith in one’s work.
- 6:45 – Lessons from a mentor: persistence, passion for work, and trust in others.
- 8:20 – Gratitude for life experiences and valuable lessons learned.
Show Transcript
Transcript - Full Episode
Nitin Bajaj
Hey, everyone. Welcome to The INDUStry show. I’m your host, Nitin Bajaj, and joining me today is Ajay Prasad. Ajay, welcome on the show. Thank you.
Ajay Prasad: Thanks for inviting me.
Nitin Bajaj: Oh, thanks for hosting us here
Ajay Prasad: Sure.
Nitin Bajaj: In your beautiful office. Thank you. So tell us who is Ajay?
Ajay Prasad
So first thing I would say I’m a husband and a dad, right, of 2 grown up sons. And then I’m also a recovering corporate executive, and a serial entrepreneur. If you ask me that’s the shortcut in who I am. And I enjoy traveling a lot. So that’s my The of my only hobby I have in life is traveling. So I do we do a lot of traveling.
Nitin Bajaj
Tell us what is RepuGen? What is the mission, the vision behind it?
Ajay Prasad
Yeah. So so RepuGen is a very interesting story. You know, I happen to own a bunch of other companies also that I started. For some reason when I started, I thought that it’s much easier to make 5 companies that is doing $1,000,000 The you know, The company doing $5,000,000 turned out I was right. Although I don’t think it was such a smart thing anyway running all these businesses. But one of my business that I own is a, is a digital marketing agency, for health care providers. And what happened in 14, 15 around that time, there was all of a sudden people started looking at reviews. Reviews became popular. And no one would make a decision without reviews. And we did some market research. My clients are health care providers. Doctors, urgent care centers, dentists. You know, those are my clients. So what we found is that about 80% of the consumers would check reviews, but unfortunately the reviews on the site was they were not really reflecting accurate patient satisfaction. And the reason being that, and we all are guilty of that, people who are unhappy tend to write reviews more than people who are happy and who had a good experience. So it always was more negative than what’s, than it should be. Now it has now 2 implications, right? For the patients, they could be rejecting some really good doctors just because of of the reviews. So the rep so I my first task was I realized The, okay, no matter what I did, in terms of marketing, end of The journey, they are going to check the review. Right? Of the doctor. And and if the review is not good, they are not going to go. And then during that process, I’m like, okay. We have to help and why? So I started doing satisfaction survey because I was like, actually, one of the client, when they wanted to hire me, I told them that I cannot help you because look at how bad your reviews The. Because even I thought that those are real. And when this person got so upset, I thought she’s going to Show something at me because, like, we have been in business for 25 years. We have patients who are coming in. We have even 15, 20 years. What do you mean by that? Show I opened my phone and look at The, the reviews and she knew everyone. This one has this. So it was like very clear to me that, okay, there’s something wrong here. So I created some manual program to do that and then all and so I did 2 things. So I created a manual program to get more reviews. And then I started doing a patient satisfaction survey in, you know, in the organization itself. It was very clear that the patient satisfaction result was not at all reflecting on the refuges. Right? The actual patient satisfaction. So so that’s when the RepuGen idea came because before it was all The manual program. Show I’m like, okay, why don’t I create a software, that where the patient can be asked for a survey. Right. And The, and then ask to write a review. And the goal would be that the survey result matches the review results. Right? That was the goal. So that way it was helping both patient and the doctors. And that’s what we did. It was not easy. We started, we created something, a tool for the website first, and then luckily one of my clients, a large client, and they have 400 doctors about, and we were marketing 13 doctors doctors for The. And they came to me and they said, you know what? I don’t need marketing for all 400, but I need this thing for all, all my doctors. Can you do that? Because they were fascinated by getting instant patient satisfaction results. And then of course The reviews help. So The software, I had to ask them, can you sign a contract? And they said no contract, but if you trust me, if you can come up with a product, it works. We’ll buy. So I just jumped into it. So we put a lot of the resources and in 1 year we converted that tiny software into a SaaS product and went to them. They tested. They said, okay, let’s test with 45. And The result immediately The liked it. So the idea was that we will have a 6 month test. It turned out to be like a 4 weeks test. And after that The said, okay, let’s do everyone. So the good news was that now we are getting a decent chunk of money. Right. So I’m not putting out of my pocket. And by the way, all the businesses I have created, I have bootstrapped, right? My own money. Show, so now I was not, you know, it was at least paying for itself. And then for 1 year they were my only client because obviously when you create a product, it’s going to be off your imagination versus what is really needed. It took a long time. So for 1 year The were my client. They was like, Hey, you know, this is not wrong. Right. This is, but they were still paying me. Right. So, 1 year by the next year in 2018 is I launched with them. 2019 is when we launched to everyone else the product. So that’s the story. It came with a simple necessity. Right. And then I also started to realize that it’s not just a necessity, but, this is not right what is happening because all these doctors are suffering and the patients are selecting wrong doctors or not the optimal doctor, you know, for them. So, so that that’s a goal and we have 3,000 doctors using it right now. And and I can tell you that we analyze their reviews. We analyze their internal survey that we do immediately matches 100%. So now I have few clients, luckily not many, who come and complain to me about reviews. How do I how am I getting all The bad reviews? I show them their patient satisfaction. Say, Hey, I cannot invent happy patients. I mean, you have to make them happy. And that’s where actually, and that has, is improving the product. So the, one of the question that, was asked to me is like, how can I improve? I think I’m doing everything right. And I’m like, yeah, but you are the comment that tells you exactly. And he went The. He said, hey, they’re like 1,000 comment. I mean, I mean, how do I I read all of them and still I can’t figure out what to do. So that’s when we went, we launched this, you know, an analytical tool using AI to make sure that now all these comments we can analyze. Right? And we train the engine to understand that this is doctored and all and and give analysis to say, hey. You know what? Your, your bedside banner needs to improve. Right? That’s the biggest complaint people have, or the wait time is a, is an issue. And, and the, and the best part was that now I have the whole, I have like something like, I don’t know, 9,000,000 comments, patient comments already. So I know what should be the, you know, the what’s the norm, what’s the average and where they stand versus the norm. So now they are this tool is also helping doctors improve their operation.
Nitin Bajaj
That’s really amazing. You it started from an insight that you had from another business. Yes. Got drilled into a necessity. Yeah. It was losing patients for doctors and patients Show are going driving more distances.
Ajay Prasad
Yeah. Or going literally to a wrong doctor because, you know, if you are a doctor and you know, in those days, by the way, these days it’s much difficult to fake reviews. Yes. But in those days it was so easy to fake reviews. You could have fake reviews. Mhmm. Right? And all of a sudden, you know, they are going to this doctor who seemed to be really, really good, but it’s not really. I had some many primary care physicians, my client, tell me that they send their patients to specialists and the specialist, and then the patient will come back and say, I don’t want to go to The, especially. I want to go to this one based on the, the reviews that they get. And you know, The, this doctor in Newport Beach, and he was telling me, he’s like, I know that the doctor I suggested is a better doctor than what they who they want to go to, But I cannot control that. Right. So I said, fine, you know, you, you go there and you would write the referral to that doctor. So that’s what I’m saying. So sometimes if patient were even getting, wrong, selection Nitin that whole process. So The I really now see this as essential really for both patients and for doctors. I mean, so much so that I will create a tool where I’m giving patient a better view of the doctor because The are a lot of challenges. As a patient go to like 6, 7 different sites to check, but they don’t go to all the 7 sites. So you could have a bad review on Google, but wonderful reviews on hell grades. But if I just check Google, I’ll risk you. Right? Show, so now we have, we have even, but it’s another product, you know, and this is the thing about being a senior entrepreneur. You keep on creating it. So I have created something that is for the consumer. Nitin nothing to do with The, with the business The consumers can go and get a real picture of, what is, how is The review, consolidated review rather than just one side sort of thing.
Nitin Bajaj
So it’s great that you’ve been able to bring this to the doctors and the patients. I’m curious what your biggest challenge is?
Ajay Prasad
It is not the fact that anyone thinks that it’s it’s not needed but the sense of urgency. So the the sales cycle is very long. And the reason being that people who are, you know, not in the decision making roles like marketing. Unfortunately, in healthcare, marketing don’t have that kind of clout like I used to have in the corporate world when I was there where, really I could go and fight with The, with the CFO, right? The finance and say, I I have to do that. So the marketing don’t have a cloud. So everyone in marketing knows that. And, and we will give them all the reason why you need it. Right? They reach out to us. They will I will. We will confirm their concern. But then for them to convince their, you know, the, all these, the senior executives or the decision makers to implement it and get the budget allocated, that seems to be the bigger challenge, you know? And as a result, what we are noticing that smaller organizations, they are, the CEO is generally interested because CEO is very much into it and that’s like, hey, you know, our reputation is bad. They decide like this. So someone, a company with 10, 15, doctors takes no time to do that. The moment you go to 500,000, it is like, takes forever. The budget has to be improved. So, you know, The, the value of having good reviews is not understood
Nitin Bajaj
The away from your patients?
Ajay Prasad
Yeah, exactly. Because you’re further away from your patients. So you don’t understand that, that need. And, and so breathing that gap is, I think is that’s our biggest challenge right now.
Nitin Bajaj
On the flip side of challenges come opportunities. What’s that one exciting one that, is your focus?
Ajay Prasad
So right now our focus, and this also came by fluke. Mhmm. You know? But then I I realized that what is happening, you know, there are already a lot of software companies who are in, who are selling to this, to the healthcare providers. Right? Their services. For example, patient engagement software or EMR. You know, so, so these are, they are already selling them. So 2 things are happening. The awareness of navigation system sorry. The awareness of The, repetition management is there. You won’t meet anyone who is saying, I don’t think we need it. Right? So the awareness is there. So what these guys are doing now is they are realizing that they are getting squeezed by the larger organizations. So for example, EPIC. They are offering now they have started offering patient engagement, feature. Right? You know, the press gaming, another big one. Now they are saying that we are offering navigations. Yeah. You know, there’s reputation management. Mhmm. So with this back and forth going on, they realized that they have to team up with other companies. So like startups or smaller organizations like us, we have to team up to give client a service that makes all of us look much bigger. Right? And and those are optional. Just like this epics of the world make it optional. Mhmm. So that we see a biggest opportunity. So we have signed up and, and the reason I’m saying it came, it flew because there’s 1, you know, gentleman in the tie actually, and his name happens to be Nitin also. They have a, EMR, which is for optometrists. And The and their challenge was that all of a sudden, you know, there’s some of The unhappy, you know, their clients are going someplace, other people are poaching. So he said that, you know what? I need to offer something more. Mhmm. And so he talked to The, and we can, through API, integrate our features so that they can just turn it on, with reputation management from their end. And all we need is the EMR integration. Anyway, that’s the requirement for, Repugend to be effective. So it’s already AMR. So now what The first thing he did is he went and went to some, some of the client that he thought he was in the danger of losing and literally paid me, but just turned them on. They said, Hey, now we are going to offer you at no additional cost for 1 year. You know, this reputation management. And it worked. And, and that was like a light bulb moment again. Right? It’s like, oh, wait a minute. There are a lot of people like, like this. So we have made a concerted effort on there. We have already, signed up like 3, 4, channel partners. And with each channel partner, The the opportunity. So that way we cross market each other’s product. And and candidly, most of the time, my channel partner’s product is already so how many providers don’t have EMR? Right? Show they all in. So it’s not like, and I, I am very honest with them that listen, you know, it’s not like don’t expect to get a lot of business from me. Channel partner. I’m happy to highlight the fact that you are a channel partner because I don’t have any client who, or prospect who don’t have EMR. But I can bet you that 90% of your your client don’t have reputation management. So so so that’s the the most you know, I think that the fantastic channels I’m another example I’ll give you is the IPAs. Mhmm. So one of the IPA here that you may have heard of GNP is called Greater Newport Physician. And I don’t know if you know IPAs or not. These are the organizations that the doctors join and they take care of The billing and everything now, and they charge a percent. The challenge is the doctors can suddenly, you know, as doctor’s wife comes and says, why don’t you get billing from The, my friend? And, you know, and they leave and which is, which has happened. So what GMP is doing now is they’re offering Repugene as a complimentary thing to all their clients. They’re saying, hey, you know, you get reputation. You get reputation from us and pay us the The. Right. Because now they are able to retain more of their clients. Show, so win win ultimately. So that’s where, so that’s where I see the biggest opportunity right now.
Nitin Bajaj
And again, you call it a fluke. I call it curiosity. Right? You keep looking for opportunities. You keep your eyes and ears open. That’s what brings about these possibilities.
Ajay Prasad
You know, I can I do believe that when any level of success you achieve, luck is a big factor? So the reason I am saying fluke is is a lack. I mean, it just happened that Nitin, you know, if he had not talked to me, right, about this thing, it would not occurred to me. So The so that’s why I’m saying. So it is that’s why I said flu. It’s it’s like, you know, the lucky break. Right? So suddenly someone asks and then you say, wow. You know, this is a channel The we should go after.
Nitin Bajaj
Now as you look at more of these opportunities coming to you and as you’re looking at the future, I wanna pause and take a look back in the rear view mirror. Sure. And, talk about 2 instances. 1, where things exceeded your own expectations and there was success beyond your imagination. And another one where things did not work out as you had expected. It was a failure and, became a lesson learned.
Ajay Prasad
Let me talk about failure first. Show 2 years back, right, I had some very successful people in this space who have exited at 10 figures, right, in the healthcare area. Got very interested in RepoGen. I brought them in as advisors. Right. Didn’t ask for any money or anything. And then, I took The advice very seriously in the sense that, when they advised a bunch of stuff and and I’m like, who am I to challenge them? Even they are so successful, so they know what they’re doing. Mhmm. And completely changed my strategy because based on their industry, and wasted 1 year of progress. It was turned out to be complete failure. It was Nitin retrospect I was like, how come I was so dumb? It’s so obvious to me that what they were talking about was not, is not relevant for business at my level. But again, you don’t introspect. And, so my biggest lesson that I’ve learned is you should never follow anyone blindly. True. If you respect someone is perfectly alike, you know, and we respect a lot of people, but just because you respect someone doesn’t mean that they are always going to be right. Right. So The would be, that was my biggest failure. I’m still trying to recover from The. Right. The success you are talking about beyond my imagination is as as I told you, I have a bunch of other businesses, right, that I had created. So I created one of The the business just as a test case. It was a transcription business, for my marketing. Right? And then I hired this young lady out of Castle Fullerton, you know, as a front desk person and also my my first employee. Right? Front, you know, front desk person and to do some, my accounting and bookkeeping and and all that. Right? So, all of a sudden, I thought that I was in the high-tech world because my receipt from shoebox went into started going into QuickBooks and all that. Right? And I was getting a monthly p and l report and all. So I hired her, and this particular business, I was not even transcription business. It was more like a guinea pig for my marketing. So I have someone in Indiana managing it. And one day Show came to me and she said, why aren’t we not doing this or this? And I’m like, really? You have checked? I was so surprised because a front desk person, you don’t expect them to be even curious. And she’s like, no. And I’m like, I didn’t like this girl. And then she is like, you know, I can do that if you want. I’m like, seriously. So it’s like, okay, why don’t you do it? And she started, she took it. And this was a business that I had The time my wife, I remember had asked me, I was like, what the hell you’re doing? You know, it’s just transcription. And I’m like, who knows? I mean, one day it may pay our make our card payment. Right? You know, that was my expectation from that business. Right? And Beth took over, and all of a sudden, things started to improve. More phone calls started getting converted into customers. Mhmm. The she started hiring and testing, and she came up with a bunch of testing for all these transcribers to make sure that we are getting good transcribers. She worked with my India team, the development team to to make, the user interface, user friendly and everything. She just took charge. She just took charge. She didn’t ask for that. She didn’t ask for a raise or anything. She just took charge and literally after like 6 months when I saw what she was doing, I went to her and I was like, Beth, run this business. You know, do manage my finances, hire a front desk, a person because I I could see that when she’s doing that and someone comes in, it’s like, yeah, what it’s all about? Okay. I know this is what we do. It’s like, no, she’s way too more valuable. So suddenly from front desk, she had a office. We had a small office, but it took me The room. Right? So she had a room. She had a front desk person. You know, she made few blunders, hiring and and and failing on the front desk, but I was there and I supported her. And she made this thing such a huge success that forget about making the car payment. It can probably make right now 10 home payments from work. It it and it is still there. She is now the president. She runs I don’t even know what happened in that business. She has, like, 5 people reporting directly to her, 300 independent contractor transcription, 300 plus all over the country. You know, she’s part owner of the of the company. And it’s like turned out to be massive win win and not, not just for me financially, but I am so happy to see her where she is. I am so happy, you know, all the people that that are working. I mean, she gets she forward me all the time the notes that she gets from transcribers in a small The USA, where there’s there’s no job. Mhmm. And so these are the people who are making 20, $25 per hour. And you know, and someone is saying, I was able to buy my grandsons, you know, all my grandkids gift for Christmas for the first time, You Show, thanks to you. So so it’s just making a difference for everyone. You know, this is like a really, turned out to be a very win win, situation for everyone.
Nitin Bajaj
This is a win win.
Ajay Prasad
And of course I have many, many, many, I think 13,000 plus happy, customers. You know, we have already done something like 9,000,000 minutes of transcribe Wow. Transcribing and everything. So all in all, big success.
Nitin Bajaj
The really happy for you and really happy for Beth that, this worked out.
Ajay Prasad
Thank you.
Nitin Bajaj
It it it takes trust both ways for something like The. Obviously. That’s amazing. Would love for us to move to my favorite part of the show
Ajay Prasad
Nitin Bajaj
Which I call the one line life lessons. We’d love for you to share some of your life lessons with us.
Ajay Prasad
Sure. So I I will, you know so one thing that I have, you Show, and my mentor, you know, told me long time back because I, you know, I came here, went to no corporation with 2 years into this country and all at school. So I didn’t know anyone. And The of my mentors long time back said, a couple of things that really stuck to me. His number The was like always focus win win. So his thing was that even in the amazing scenario where it’s a win for you and lose for someone else, walk away. You should only do deals which is win win, which I really took it to heart. So much so that I would in the beginning, you know, corporations, right? You know, we’d have vendors and I as in marketing, as I started to move up, I had more and more budget under control. And a few times as a CEO, I would say, oh, you know, maybe I can squeeze the vendor. I can ask for something else. And he would say, hey, Jay, you want to make sure that they also walk out. You know, he would not in front of them, but he would always remind me. It’s like, make sure that when they walk out, they feel good about, you know, this relationship. So The is my biggest, you know, I always focus on The, the INDUStry, relationship. The second thing he told me, which I have always implemented life lesson, is when there is a difference in understanding. Right. So for example, you thought The, The, I should be able to cancel this relationship anytime. But The contract actually says that you have to give me 3 months notice. Right? He said, anytime there is a conflict, even if you are right, give them the benefit of doubt. Don’t think that they’re there to cheat you. Maybe that’s what’s their understanding and you don’t want to leave them with a bad taste in The mouth. Right? So as a result, I do that. You talk to my people. We each sign contract and there are times when we lose clients just like everyone else. And if they come in and they say, this is what my understanding, we don’t ask questions. We said, Oh, sorry, but I just want you to know this is what it was. But no problem. We did. It was our fault. We did not highlight it. So that’s what it is. So The, that is like the 2 things that I learned from my mentor to be how to be a right. And by the way, he was the most beloved, CEO I’ve ever seen. I mean, this guy don’t ask me. I mean, obviously he just picked me up out of nowhere. I’m just sitting there as a lost someone at work. I was a hard worker, so I was The first in, last out. And he just chose to become my mentor. Literally, he said, you know, our mentors have lunch. He asked his secretary to set it up. So and we are still very good friends. Obviously, he’s like 80 years old, but anytime when he’s now he lives in Bay Area. If I go to Bay Area, I will have, you know, as a family. I know I am, you know, Minu knows them very well. Show, so that so those are the 2 lessons I I learned from someone else, but I implemented. The as an entrepreneur, I’ve all also learned that you want to make sure that you believe in what you’re doing. So Nitin, needless to say, it has to be win win for you and your customer. But you should believe in it. You should feel good about it. Right? In order to, in order to sustain. And the reason being that you will get, you know, amazing ups and downs when when you are in especially entrepreneur. You know, the way I explain it is when you’re in corporation working for a company, right, your stress level is like this. Right? You know, a little bit up and down depending on boss’s mood is good or you have a deadline. When you The an entrepreneur, your stress level is The, the fluctuation. This is how it is. You have highs and lows. Right? You want to make sure that you like it enough that when you hit the lows, you don’t give up because you I even I cannot tell you how many times I thought about quitting going back into the work, workforce. And every time it will remind, I would remind myself that again, but I won’t have my control. Right? So my reason for getting into business was I wanted to control my life. And I had to remind it. So you have to go there for a good reason. You have to like what you’re doing, right? And make sure The it’s a win win right for you and your customer. And I’ll give you an example that it varies. Like, I have some clients who, who provide loan to people who are, I guess no one else gives loan. Right? At at a higher rate. Hard money loans. Yeah. Hard money loan. Now I would be uncomfortable doing that business, But when you talk to them, they are very comfortable. They The saying, Bajaj, who is going to help them? Your car is broken. You cannot even go to the office tomorrow. So how do you do that? Show in their mind The are providing a big benefit. Right? So again, idea is that it, and I don’t challenge it. Right? Show, but it is for everyone to decide, but make sure that you know that you are in a business that has a real value. You Show? Definitely. And then the the other thing I would say is, don’t get into entrepreneurship unless you have the the fortitude to deal with the hard times because you will have a hard time no matter what other people say. We tend to look at the end results, you know, but we don’t look at the journey aspect of it, of that person. So just make sure that you are again, and The only way you can do that, you have to have persistence. Right? Persistence is the key for entrepreneurs. Persistence doesn’t mean being stupid or stubborn The I will just keep on doing the same thing. Persistent is also means, okay, it didn’t work, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a product is a failure. Right? Take a step Bajaj, try to fix it. You know, tweak it. So that’s what I mean by persistence. You have to have it. Right? And and one thing, you know, and I had that, and it will come to me. But But, I mean, I would say these are some of the main things that the life lessons that I have learned. And The trust people. That’s what I was going to say. I think we talked about it also earlier. I’m a big believer in that where I would rather trust someone and let them break The trust than assume that they are not trustworthy. I’m very big into The. And as a result, yes. Do I get cheated? 100%. You know, I’ve gotten, you know, but then then I get people like Beth. You know, I I will tell you interesting story about Beth. She was like 6 months, barely 6 months into the working for me. So not big success or whatever, but don’t ask me what happened and I may Show I think that maybe Show could see how much I trusted her. She one day Show just walked into my office and said, I just want you to know that unless you fire me, I’ll never leave you. And she was making $700 a week. So it’s not like she was, you know, and you know, that was her thing. It’s like, I’ll never leave you. And, and I really think that maybe it’s all stressed. Don’t ask me what happened, but I think that by my attitude of trusting, I do have people who are happier working. All my associates, I mean they, and then even in India. You know India is cheating is is rampant. Right? And even there, some of the I have my I’ve been in business for 18 years, and I have probably 20 people who have stayed with me for more than 15 years. Hello. And they will not leave me. Is there the same thing is like, I know I’m not paying them highest if they wanted. But The, they like, I guess, being trusted and they take it very seriously. So, you know, even my head of, technology, it’s not unusual that he’s woken up at 3 in the morning to fix some kind of issue that we have. And he has never complained. He will never be annoyed. You Show, even all my employees here, they really appreciate it. It’s like, god. You know? Even when I talk to quality The, you know, I know it’s 3 in the morning there, and I never even hear. It’s like, oh, hi. Okay. Let me check. And Show, you know, I’m I’m that way. I think that I’m one of the reason I’m blessed with right people is because I also trust them.
Nitin Bajaj
Ajay Prasad
So so I I always I always I I feel sorry for people who are look at the first thing they look for is how is this person going to cheat me? Right? You know, what’s The bad thing about other people? It’s like, you know, just look for the good thing. And and most of the people are good. You know, very few people I I know who I mean, I Show I have experienced some, but as a percent, a very tiny percent who are trying to, you know, really get an, you know, unwanted benefit kind of thing just because you are trusting. And also you just, you would find out, then you just, you know, drop them and that’s it. It’s it. No one, no one has cheated me so much to make it fatal. It’s like, Oh my God. Now I am on the street. You know, it shouldn’t be that stupid. But other than that, I think trust as much as possible. That will be my last thing. And that is like more more like not just business, just in personal life also. You know, the more you trust people, they trust you and you have a good relationship. Yeah.
Nitin Bajaj
We send out good vibes. We get good vibes back.
Ajay Prasad
Yeah, exactly. I mean, I I am I’m a big believer and that that is something I learned from my mom. Show again, it’s not like you I wish that I could say that I’m I was genius. I came up with all these real life experiences. But, yeah, I know I you know, I have used The, and and I am I don’t regret. Though that I would say is definitely you should do that.
Nitin Bajaj
Ajay, thank you so much for sharing your one line life lessons, but also for sharing your story and your journey with us. Congratulations on all of your successes and here’s to a lot more of them.
Linkedin Profile: Ajay Prasad is a highly accomplished entrepreneur and business leader with a strong background in digital marketing, e-commerce, and technology. He is the Founder and CEO of GMR Web Team, a full-service digital marketing agency based in California. Ajay is known for his strategic vision and innovative approach to marketing, helping businesses of all sizes grow their online presence and achieve their goals. He is also a sought-after speaker and writer, sharing his insights and expertise on digital marketing and entrepreneurship. Ajay’s dedication to excellence and commitment to delivering results have made him a respected figure in the industry.
Summary: In “The INDUStry Show with Ajay Prasad,” Ajay Prasad shares insights from his business journey, highlighting the unexpected rise of a front desk person to the company’s president. The company has seen substantial growth, boasting 300 transcribers nationwide, serving 13,000 customers, and processing 9,000,000 minutes of transcription. Ajay emphasizes the significance of creating mutually beneficial deals, nurturing positive relationships, and maintaining faith in one’s work. Additionally, the video includes lessons from a mentor, stressing persistence, passion for work, and trust in others. Ajay concludes by expressing gratitude for life experiences and the valuable lessons learned.
Show notes: “The INDUStry Show with Ajay Prasad” offers a compelling narrative of an unlikely ascent within the business world. The episode delves into the speaker’s personal journey, highlighting the remarkable transformation from a front desk person to the esteemed position of company president. Throughout the discussion, the speaker underscores the importance of fostering mutually beneficial partnerships, cultivating positive relationships, and unwavering belief in one’s work.
The episode showcases the company’s impressive growth, featuring 300 transcribers spread across the nation, serving a substantial customer base of 13,000 and processing an astounding 9,000,000 minutes of transcription. The speaker’s emphasis on the significance of these achievements underlines the dedication and strategic vision required for such substantial success.
Moreover, the video offers invaluable insights from a mentor, emphasizing the virtues of persistence, a genuine passion for one’s work, and the essential trust in others. These lessons resonate deeply, offering a profound perspective on the fundamental attributes necessary for sustained professional growth.
The episode culminates with a heartfelt expression of gratitude, acknowledging the invaluable life experiences and lessons that have shaped the speaker’s journey. Through this, the episode serves as a testament to the enduring power of resilience, determination, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence.
Blog Post: Title: From Front Desk to President: Lessons in Business Success
Have you ever wondered what it takes to climb the corporate ladder from the very bottom to the very top? In “The INDUStry Show with Ajay Prasad,” you’ll hear an inspiring story of unexpected success, valuable business insights, and the power of perseverance.
Ajay Prasad, the featured speaker, shares his incredible journey from starting as a front desk person to becoming the president of a thriving company. His story is a testament to the possibilities that unfold when one combines hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of growth.
The company’s achievements are nothing short of remarkable, with a staggering 300 transcribers serving 13,000 customers and processing a staggering 9,000,000 minutes of transcription. These numbers speak volumes about the company’s success and the valuable lessons Ajay Prasad has learned along the way.
One of the key takeaways from the video is the emphasis on creating mutually beneficial deals and nurturing positive relationships. Ajay stresses the importance of building trust and maintaining faith in one’s work, highlighting how these principles have been instrumental in his own journey.
The video also offers insights from a mentor, emphasizing the significance of persistence, passion for work, and trust in others. These timeless lessons serve as a guiding light for anyone looking to carve out their own path to success in the business world.
As the speaker concludes, he expresses gratitude for life experiences and the invaluable lessons learned. His humility and appreciation for the journey remind us all of the importance of staying grounded and appreciating the lessons that life offers us.
“The INDUStry Show with Ajay Prasad” is a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration, valuable business insights, and a reminder of the power of hard work and determination. It’s a story that proves that with the right mindset and unwavering dedication, anyone can rise to the top.
So, if you’re ready to be inspired and gain valuable business insights, be sure to tune in to “The INDUStry Show with Ajay Prasad” and discover the transformative power of perseverance and passion in the business world.